

Load cell

  • Compression Load Cell.
  • These load cells are extremely small and lightweight.
  • Stainless steel construction

Product Specifications

Specifications Accuracy
Rated capacity(R.C.) 50kgf, 100kgf, 200kgf, 500kgf, 1tf, 2tf, 5tf, 10tf (490.3N, 980.7N, 1.961kN, 4.903kN, 9.807kN, 19.61kN, 49.03kN, 98.07kN)
Rated output(R.O.) 2mV/V±0.4%
Nonlinearity 0.15% of R.O.
Hysteresis 0.1% of R.O.
Repeatability 0.1% of R.O.
Zero balance ±2% of R.O.
Temperature effect, on rated output 0.1% of R.O./10℃
Temperature effect, on zero balance 0.05% of R.O./10℃
Temperature range, compensated -10~70℃
Temperature range, safe -20~80℃
Terminal resistance input 350 ±50Ω
Terminal resistance output 350 ±2Ω
Insulation resistance bridge/case 2000MΩ
Excitation recommended 10V
Safe overload 150% R.C
Cable length Φ5mm 4core,3m


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